Retail Shipping Container Conversion

retail shipping container conversion clothes boutique
A mobile clothes coutique built entirely using a converted shipping container.

Sportswear brand Needs & Wants acquires a converted shipping container to use as a mobile boutique

The Tornoto based retailer worked with a local student architecture to convert an old shipping container into this stunning compact mobile boutique. The 20 feet (2.4m) retail space is now in use around the Canadian city.

Needs & Wants Studios first came up with the idea during a discussion between the retailers founder Sean Brown and his friend Marco Lee. Marco had just graduated from Toronto’s Ryerson University and was inspired by work he had seen across the world.

mobile clothes boutque shipping container conversion

Says Sean :

We doodled our plans for the container together last fall

The container is coated in white paint with entrances on either side. Mirrored windows were installed on the other sides to allow light into the space. The surrounding landscape is reflected off the windows which helps the mobile boutique blend into its surroundings. The boutique saw between 30 and 50 visitors per day ranging from regular shoppers to curious onlookers.

The interior is clad with light-coloured wood with a white oak herringbone floor. The clothing takes centre stage with a minimal interior design allowing attention to be focused on the goods on display. Canadian shipping container supplier Storstac provided the empty unit then contractors carried out the conversion.

converted retail container interior

Says Sean :

We met all sorts of people, it’s interesting because these people are just out and about running and bike riding. There even was a kayaking class not too far from us.

The boutique will be travelling to locations in Prince Edward County and Mississauga followed by New York. When its not on the road as a store the company uses the container as a workspace.

retail shipping container interior

Says Sean :

We’re hoping for Miami before the year end as well,  once we open our doors to visitors, we send coordinates via our newsletter that brings you to a live map that directs you to the space.

The company is hoping to create another portable boutique in the near future for use on water, says Sean Brown. He recently helped design new branding for pop-up event, Glasshaus. They displayed one of their container conversions alongside the Needs & Wants mobile boutique in Toronto.

Visit our retail shipping container conversions page to find out more about our services and call us on 01606 272875 to speak to a member of staff about your requirements and ideas.

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